Three Ways To Help A Teen Who Is Still Struggling To Read

Posted on: 23 September 2017

By the time they reach third or fourth grade, most children are reading pretty proficiently. If your child has managed to enter his or her teen years and is still struggling with reading, it's important that you take some steps to identify the deeper issues at play and enhance his or her literacy. Here are three ways you can help a teen who is still struggling to read:

Have Your Teen Evaluated

It is possible that your teen has a learning disability that accounts for his or her struggles. Children are often screened for learning disabilities in early childhood, but they can go undetected, especially if a child changes schools often or has other behavioral issues that may mask the learning disability.

Most schools offer free evaluations, but you'll need to call your teen's school and request that one be done. Your teen will be screened for an array of differences including dyslexia, ADHD, and ADD. Having a diagnosis will allow you to help your teen in the best way possible moving forward. You can then approach learning in a way that makes up for any learning deficiencies your child has. For example, if you find out they have ADHD, you can focus on teaching them in shorter spurts to accommodate their reduced attention span.

Sit Down With Them One-On-One

Part of your teen's problem may be that in school, they don't get enough one-on-one attention. The teacher has moved on to other topics, and they're still left there with unanswered questions about the lower-level material. Sitting down with your teen and practicing reading one-on-one can be a lot of help. Guide them as they sound out the words, and let them take their time. If you have trouble doing this on your own, there are tutors and teachers who you can hire to read with your teen and re-teach them the basics.

Look Into Adult Literacy Programs

Teens learn differently than younger children. To ensure your teen is being taught effectively, look for adult literacy programs in your area. They will cater to an older audience than classes intended for children, so your teen may learn to read more quickly. Being in a class with adults will also be easier on your teen emotionally. They will realize that there are others their age -- or older -- who also struggle with reading and will feel less alone in their pursuit. 

Contact a company like Center for Student Achievement Solutions for more information and assistance. 
