The Benefits Of Ultrasonic Testing

Posted on: 14 May 2018

Advancements in technology have opened up a wide range of career opportunities that did not exist a few years ago. If you are thinking of changing careers, you might want to consider becoming an ultrasonic testing technician.

Ultrasonic testing fills a valuable niche in the industrial and manufacturing industries. Learning more about the benefits of ultrasonic testing will help you see the value in pursuing an education and certification as an ultrasonic testing technician.

1. Ultrasonic testing is not detrimental to your health.

Gathering information about the interior makeup of a piece of metal or wood used to require the use of radiography equipment. This equipment produced radio waves that could penetrate the material being tested, but these radio waves could have negative health implications as a result of repeated exposure.

By using ultrasonic testing instead, companies have been able to ensure the safety of their employees and reduce the health risks associated with testing materials prior to manufacturing.

2. Ultrasonic testing is non-destructive.

Perhaps one of the greatest advantages of ultrasonic testing is the fact that the process is completely safe. When a company is evaluating the quality of its raw materials, damaging these materials to view the interior surfaces can be costly. 

Ultrasonic testing allows an experienced technician to create a digital image of a material's interior surfaces. This means that companies can evaluate the quality of their materials without destroying those materials in the process. The non-destructive nature of ultrasonic testing makes technicians who are capable of performing this type of testing in high demand.

3. Ultrasonic testing is versatile.

When utilizing ultrasonic testing to evaluate material quality, access to a single area of the material is required.

Unlike the use of calipers or radiography machines that need multiple test surfaces, ultrasonic testing uses high-frequency sound waves to penetrate a foreign object. These sound waves are directional and will travel through the material being tested when exposure to ultrasonic testing occurs at a single site.

This feature can be beneficial when testing large material inputs for internal flaws prior to manufacturing.

If you are looking for an exciting and lucrative career that utilizes the most current technology, consider becoming an ultrasonic testing technician. You will be able to play an important role in improving the durability and longevity of manufactured goods by helping companies recognize internal material flaws once you are a fully certified ultrasonic testing technician.

For more information, contact a company like Vanishing Point Education.
