Changing Careers? 5 Ways An Associates Degree Might Be Ideal

Posted on: 8 May 2020

Do you want to change careers mid-course? Americans have many reasons to switch to a new field, including a lack of fulfillment or burnout with their current situation. While changing career tracks can be daunting, you can achieve it with minimal disruption. How? One great way to do this is to make use of an associates degree.  How can an associates degree be the bridge you need? Here are five key ways. 

1. It's Part-Time. Most institutions — both public and private — that offer associates degrees offer part-time options. They realize that many of their students, like you, may have to continue to work or care for adult responsibilities even while attending school. If you take a part-time option, you can maintain your income and still make progress on your goals.

2. It's Focused. If you've considered moving on to grad school or getting a bachelor's degree for career change purposes, you're generally in for a lot of work — some of which may not be much use in your new field. Associates degree programs are designed to require less general education class requirements and a more focused set of degree-specific classes. You'll stay oriented on what you need to know. 

3. It's Practical. Two-year degrees are generally made with the goal of getting a person the basic foundation they need to start work in the middle range of their field. If you take an associates degree program in accounting, for instance, you would be qualified to begin as a mid-range technician in accounts payable or receivables or as a bookkeeper — rather than stuck doing data entry or being a cashier. 

4. It's Inexpensive. Going back to school can be an expensive way to change careers. Grad school students may not even qualify for tax credits and low-interest loans available to other students. Associates degree classes are often much less expensive than their university counterparts and may be transferable if you decide to get that further degree later. 

5. It's Quick. If you're burned out, you probably want to take the shortest route to a new job. Depending on your schedule, you may be able to finish an associates degree in a year — or sometimes even less. Even adults who can't take classes full-time can usually complete a degree in under two years. 

No matter what your new career plans, reaching them by using an associates degree is a proven route to success. Want to learn more? Start by making an appointment with a business school in your area today. 
